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  • Writer's pictureDan Grieb

Are you failing so slowly that you actually think you are winning?

Are you failing so slowly that you actually think you are winning?

In your marriage, in your business, as a parent, in your health and fitness. The number one statement that masks the reality of the failure is I will do it tomorrow or the belief that you have more time.

In your business there is a harsh reality when the revenue is just no longer there or you look around and all of your best employees over time have left the company. The revenue did not just dry up over night, you lost track of it one dollar at a time. One missed sales goal at a time, ever so small over time your revenue no long matches your budget and your talent no longer matches your goals or your culture.

In marriage the thought that they will understand or you will one day prove to them is masked because we believe that our tolerance for pain, loneliness, separation, disagreement is the same as our spouse. Then one day we get served with the papers, have to “have the talk” and this times it’s real or they simply move our. We are left with, I thought you understood or I thought you loved me just to understand that the relationship eroded away ever so slowly like then ocean does as it takes a few peddles of sand away at a time, over time we lose miles of beach. The distance is now just too far. It felt like success however it was just slow relationship failure.

In your health. The thoughts I can just have this bad last meal and start tomorrow. The cycle of habit jumping from one program or one diet seeking the magic formula that works for us. The scale is moving ever so slightly up and we justify why, we are getting older, we are working more, tenge diet is not working or there is a medical reason preventing us from losing weight. On top of all of these have our emotional issues that affect our relationship to food. Eating “comfort food” really does make you feel better and while you are no yelling at your win and kids, stressing out on your employees, it feels like winning because we are not doing those things we are just slowly, ever so slowly failing.

I am just highlighting three right now but I know the simple way to get fix these items: focus on the one thing in each area that if I accomplish that the others get easier.

In business focus on lead generation and don’t stop until we hit our DAILY lead generation goals. If we miss them for any reason make them up, never dismiss them, reforcast the goals must be hit.

In relationships, speak the “love language” of the people that matter the most. It may require some discomfort, speaking another language always does at first. For my wife it is quality time, even the restless Dan and watch a movie and put my phone down, turn off the mind and enjoy the company of my beatific wife. For Riley I have to build him up! Tell him I love him daily and Drew more quality time.

In health, I know the rules most people do. It’s never a good idea to eat ice cream. You can have it every once in a while but it will never help make then scale go down. It is quality calories in vs calories out. The “first domino”’is always the diet. I heard a quote recently about success that is so true around diet. “ most people are not successful because they are unwilling to make peace with the repetitious boredom of success” for me this means I have to eat the same foods and have the same meal prep routines ever week.

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