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  • Writer's pictureDan Grieb

Are you the Builder or the Wrecker

One of my great friends and coaches shared this amazing poem with me !

Are you the builder or the wrecker? In your health, marriage, family, friendships and business? I would love your thoughts !

I passed one day through a lonely town,

and saw some man tearing a building down.

With a "heave" and "ho" and a husky yell,

they swung a beam and a side wall fell.

I asked the foreman "Are these men skilled?

The type you'd hire if you had to build?"

"Oh no" he chuckled, "oh no indeed,

the common laborer's all I need.

Why I can destroy in a day or two,

what builders have taken weeks to do."

I thought to myself as I walked away,

which of these roles have I tried to play.

Am I a builder, who works with care,

making his tools a ruler and square.

Shaping my peers to a well made plan,

helping them be the best they can.

Or am I a wrecker who walks around,

content with the labor of tearing down.

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