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  • Writer's pictureDan Grieb


Most people are not successful because they are unwilling to endure the boredom of success.

I must remember that this is not a business principle this is a life principle that applies to business too. In my marriage there is a boredom associated with being married to the same person, our family routines and our lives together. I must lean into the boredom and recognize that I control the temperature of our relationship. I have 100% of the power to heat up the relationship and 100% the power to cool it off.

In business success is lonely and boring. There are days when you will be the only one that sees the vision. There will be days when you are the only one on the front line. Most people will not want my level of success therefore they will not being will to endure the amount of boredom that I am willing to endure. Success is routine, It is simple truths that lead to extra ordinary results.

In health, success is predictable, boring made at home meals for me. It is getting up and going to the gym largely before the rest of my community is awake. In the boring morning runs, bikes, swims and strength work out my ab muscles are born. My constitution is hardened and my life expands.

Boredom is boring and on the other end of that boredom is an unbelievable life of which I have just begun to taste.

Lean in Dan its worth it.

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