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  • Writer's pictureDan Grieb

Don’t get really good at being really crappy! Challenge yourself.

Life is full of opportunities to prove to yourself that you've still got it. And, it's full of opportunities to prove to yourself that you don't have it anymore.

Challenging yourself daily in the simple things prepares yourself for the big things. Too many people get really good at being crappy. They set low goals, to ensure that they don't let themselves down.

Low quality relationships, low quality of health, low job satisfaction and low expectations. All practiced one snooze-button-hitting day at a time. I'm going to share strategies with you that you can use to keep from falling in the crap trap. These strategies will challenge you to lead to a life of higher expectations, stronger relationships, better health and a higher quality of work life satisfaction.

1. Wear a stop watch at home and keep a record of how long it takes for you to do something and work on getting faster and more efficient.

2. NEVER hit your snooze button. Start every day with a win by keeping your commitment to get up ON TIME !

3. Make your bed in the morning as soon as you exit it. This is the first task you'll do in your day. Do it with excellence and pride.

4. Do not attempt to multitask. Complete one task at a time.

5. Eat healthy meals. Of course you feel crappy if you eat crappy food. Practice treating yourself with quality foods that build you up, not the crappy foods that tear you down.

6. Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. Walk, ride a bike, run, lift weights, yoga, do something everyday to protect the only vessel you will ever have.

7. Monitor your self talk. Do not talk to yourself in a negative voice or tone. If you heard someone talking to your 4 year old niece or nephew life you talk to yourself, would you be pissed?

8. Breathe. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your breath.

9. Journal your wins and the lessons you learn. Remember: life is 10% what happens and 90% how you respond.

10. Smile as a result of offering gratitude or smile as a result of laughing.

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